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20 Dec 2008

Political Crisis in Pakistan

After passage of sixty years,pakistan could not get satisfactory development in the sphere of political, judicial and economic matters and the situation has gone from bad to worst. The current scenario does not reflect the dream of our Quaid of a progressive and vibrant pakistan which could only be possible by following his principles of unity, faith and discipline. Today, we have a lot of personal differences among us and we have entirely forgotten the main objective of Pakistan for which thousands of Muslims had sacrificed their lives, valuables and dignity.
Critical conditions can be reviewed from different aspects which are still turbulent. Currently we are facing tremendous political crisis in Pakistan. There is lack of harmony between the Government and the Political parties. Opposition parties always try to create hurdles on the way of Government whenever a new bill is presented or a budget has to be passed. In fact our political parties only think about their power and domination. They always make credulour people a scape goat. The ferocious behavious of some political parties can be seen through the violation in Karachi, where about 50 innocents were killed for their personal conflict. In this violence a key ally of ruling party, which is considered to be involved in spreading the atrocity for more than two decades, played an extremely fanatic role which has been strongly condemned by Pakistan as well as international community.
These sorts of rubbish acts create adverse effects on the economy, especially on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and tourism industry in Pakistan, because investors and tourists feel unsecured owing to worst law and order situation. In all of this regard, our controversial bodies provide full opportunities to our external enemies to take advantage of this and ruin the peaceful environment of this country.
According to some analysts, pure democracy does not exist in Pakistan because they consider it a "Government of an Autocrat". Pure democracy only exists where decisions are taken by mutual consent of the leaders, but the situation is entirely opposite in Pakistan.
When we recall the history of Pakistan, we observe much interruption of army in the democratic process which is definitely a major cause of political disturbance. Some newspapers have expressed this situation as "Materialization of hell on earth".
The image of Pakistan in international society has been badly damaged due to the irresponsible behaviour of our politicians.
Our Politicians must strive to combat poverty, atrocity and communal differences which are considered to be the the fundamental hurdles in the way of progress and they should unite at a single platform to perform their individual duties for the common interest of the people to promote the image of the country. There should not be any interference by the army in democratic process except in critical conditions. Only then we can realize the dream of a happy and prosperous Pakistan.

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