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25 Dec 2008

Why USA is interfering in Pakistan's internal issues?


After the resignation of a Dictator, still Autocracy has not left the premises of Pakistan. Asif Ali Zardari is continuously assuring the Democracy in Pakistan but the Democracy is only limited to his words. He has not even eliminated 58-2B from constitution. Musharraf has not left Pakistan, infact he is still here in the form of our current President Zardari. Musharraf made a commitment with Government of USA to do whatever USA orders and let USA do whatever she wants.

America has been doing surgical strikes in the boundries of Pakistan for a long time. Even in the presence of the so called democratic Government these strikes have not been stopped by USA. She has striked in the area of Pakistan but Our Government is not forbidding America to do that after all it is the region of Pakistan and only Government of Pakistan has the authority to take such steps. Every person in Pakistan is against the strikes as well as interferance of USA in the internal matters of Pakistan but still drones have yet not been hit by Pakistani Forces. If democracy really exists in Pakistan then this interferance should have been ended.

American Generals have been continuously visiting Pakistan and interfering in the internal and more specifically defence issues of Pakistan. I was shocked when I read a column in the JANG newspaper that American General proposed the Cheif of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani not to respond India for their Air Strikes in Pakistani region. CAS General Kayani totally refused to act upon his proposal and told him that they can never tolerate such acts and they will consider it war and their duty is to protect their country.

The point arises that why do America even think of interfering...

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