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3 Nov 2011

The French Ban on Wearing Burka and Our Possible Response

The French ban on wearing the burka and our possible response. A gentleman living in Canada sent me an email . He was advocating a ban on the purchase and import of French goods . The French Legislature passed a bill in April this year on wearing the burka by Muslim women in the country . Subsequently the French President signed it. Earlier the Government gave an year before the Legislature passed the bill .Admittedly, the Act was controversial.

However , in keeping with the times , every country wants to secure itself and the populace . The Europeans consider burka is a security risk . One of the British Ministers in Tony Blair’s, and later on in Gordon Brown’s, cabinet , Jack Straw , told his audience that it was risky to speak to a woman in a burka . Let us study the implications for Muslim countries and particularly for Pakistan logically . The following deserve consideration:
  • There is a concept for purdah in Islam .But there is no concept for burka. Purdah can be observed by wearing a chaddar. Muslims ,and particularly women , are familiar with the requirements of purdah.
  • Any woman who enters Saudi Arabia has to adapt to that country’s laws and wears a burka .
  • Wearing a burka or not is a woman’s right.
  • Except Saudi Arabia , Bahrain , Kuwait and UAE ,most women in Muslim do not wear burkas . Many work in offices or in the fields.
  • Muslims have migrated to the west for various reasons particularly economic and repression in their native countries.
  • There is a big difference between the living styles in the west and norms prevailing in the countries of their origin vis a vis social norms . What is considered as a sin or a taboo in considered as a normal behaviour in the west.
  • A Danish artist drew cartoons of the Holy Prophet ( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him ). I was pained deeply . After he became the Holy Prophet( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him ), his life and the lives of his followers was full of hardships . When the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) started his mission , he was ridiculed by the chieftains of Quraish , the predominant tribe of Mecca. When he went to Taif , he was stoned . But , did not he rebuke them . He always prayed for them to show the right path . He bore the taunts and hardships with patience , forbearance and determination. Even after his death , the Holy Prophet ( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has been reviled and often ridiculed for his beliefs . Such things are going on since then. I am told that Denmark suffered a loss of $ 4 billion because of the ban of purchase of Danish goods and services . But loss is insignificant compared to Denmark GDP. World Economic Report 2010-2011.
Country                 Score

Denmark                  5.46

France                       5.13

  • Pakistan facing a war against terrorism and extremism. A war in which 36000 men , women and children and 5000 officers and men of the army and police have died . In economic terms , Pakistan has incurred a loss of $ 68 billion . Living in Pakistan is a life of untold hardships : hours of load shedding, a shortage of gas ,petrol and even water . A very high cost of living. The price virtually everything has risen . People are fed up and suicides have become common .
    After the events of May 02 and May 22 this year , Pakistan is in a danger of being isolated in the world.
  • Pakistan Air Force has French Mirage planes . It needs spares for the planes.
  • Muslim countries especially do not enjoy that kind of luxury enjoyed in Canada.

Mahfooz ur Rahman

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