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16 Dec 2008

The Bastion Of ISLAM


Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947 in the name of ISLAM. But unfortunately a person can hardly find islamic touch in the policies of Pakistani Government. In the garb of democracy, either Autocracy, Theocracy or Dictatorship is demaging the image of Pakistan. Now the Unipolar Political Power namely United States of America is having a great illusion that it can dominate the whole world. USA and Israel are allies and their main target is to dominate the muslims and to destroy Islam (nauzubillah), it is because they are afraid of Muslims, as Muslims have the potential to Dominate the whole world as they did and ruled the world for 1400 years. USA is actually very timid they first make their target weak and then attack. The war between IRAQ and IRAN is one of the best example. That war made IRAQ weaker than before, then USA blamed IRAQ by saying that IRAQ has the weapon of mass destruction and attacked on IRAQ. The Great Dramatic incident of 9/11 was fabricated by United States of America. She blamed another muslim Country 'Afghanistan' to be involved in that incident which was a lame excuse to attack Afghanistan. USA is doing all that for her regional interests and also to capture the oil reserves of the whole world.

A cold war is running against Pakistan to spoil the Muslims of Pakistan which had harmed the Muslims a lot but as Islam is favourite the religion of Allah and Muslims are loved by Allah, no one can harm ISLAM. America is now planning to destroy Pakistan by provoking India to fight with Pakistan and when both countries will become weak, she will at once attack on the subcontinent with his allies. But this dream of USA is her illusion. Muslims have never been dominated by anyone ever & will never be dominated by anyone in future (Inshallah). Blasphemy Our Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is the worst deed done by the non-Muslims (May Allah Punish them all involved in this activity) and we Muslims can not tolerate such activities. Our Government should take some bold steps and punish them. Government should declare Jihad so that all the muslim countries may unite and fight against the enemies of ISLAM.

Jihad is one of the pillars of ISLAM. Pakistani Forces are rich with passion, enthusiasm and Jazba-e-Jihad and they are keen towards their mission to protect their country uptil death. Muslims do not fear death and those who do not fear death are considered to be the most powerful. Pakistanis not only depend on their defence forces, every Pakistani is keen to kick those who interfere the progress of their country.

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