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3 May 2009

Flogging of 17 yr old girl (A Drama)

NFORMATION PRESS - News Views Media - - USA

Pro-MQM Geo News TV Telecasted Fake Whipping Video To Defame All

Swat Scene - Fake Video Resented

By Tariq Saeed

Peshawar, Pakistan, 7 April 2009 (Pakistan Observer) - Thousands of
emotionally charged residents of Swat on Tuesday came on the streets
to resent what they called the telecast of a fictitious video [by pro-
MQM Geo News TV and several other corrupt television channels of
Pakistan] showing flogging of a teen-aged 'Swat' girl. The protest
demonstration organised by Quami Amen Jirga turned into a big public
rally. The speakers, condemning the telecast of a mobile video about
flogging of a girl by various TV channels and demos by the human
rights organizations, said the drama was planned to sabotage the peace
deal in Swat for their vested interests.

The speakers lamented that when scores of [Pakistani] people were
being slaughtered and [Pakistani] soldiers were beheaded mercilessly
[in Pakistan], no human rights activist bothered to raise voice.

"But now, they said, when the peace process has been initiated in the
volatile [Swat, NWFP] region there is hue and cry by some
organizations and regional political parties. This is intriguing and
tantamount to fulfilling the foreign agenda."

They also came hard on the MQM Chief Altaf Hussein who, they alleged,
is trying to cash the situation for his personal gains. They asked as
to why Altaf Hussein kept silent when blood [of Pakistanis] was being
shed [by Pakistan Army and US-NATO armed forces] in Swat every day.

They also demanded of the Chief Justice of Pakistan [Mr. Iftikhar
Muhammad Chaudhry] to take suo motu action on the bloodshed spilled
over a year in Swat and order compensation for the affectees. The
demonstrators later joined a peace march through bazaars in Mingora.

Swat Residents Deny Incident of Public Flogging

Swat, Pakistan, 5 April 2009 (The News) - Residents of Swat valley
have denied occurrence of any incident in which a girl had been
whipped in front of public.


'Swat' Girl Flogging Video Fake, Official Says

By Fasih ur Rehman Khan

Islamabad, Pakistan, 5 April 2009 (Gulf News) - A top government
official of Pakistan's Pakhtoon-controlled Swat region has made a
surprise claim that the amateur video clip shown by television
channels of a 17-year-old girl being flogged was fabricated, media
reports say.

Malakand Division Commissioner Syed Mohammad Javed was quoted by local
media as saying that the incident shown in the video clip had not
happened in the Swat valley and that the accents of the people heard
speaking in the video were not those of the [Swat] region.

"This fabricated video clip is a conspiracy to sabotage the Swat peace
deal between the Pakhtoons and the NWFP Government," the Commissioner
said after his visit to the Kala Kalay village where the incident is
alleged to have taken place.

Swat Pakistani-Pakhtoon Spokesman Muslim Khan echoed his sentiments,
claiming the tape was the handiwork of pro-Satan organisations.


Swat Video Conspiracy To Malign Islam: PIHR

Swat, Pakistan, 5 April 2009 (The News) - Chairman, Pakistan
International Human Rights [PIHR], Raja Liaquat Ali has said that the
video footage of a 17-year-old 'Swat' girl aired on media is
fictitious and termed it a conspiracy to malign Islam.

Addressing a press conference in Swat Press Club, he said the video
footage of a girl being flogged in public has nothing to do with Swat
and that it is a made-up video.

"The purpose of displaying this video is to tarnish the image of

He said some elements want the Swat peace agreement to fizzle out.


JUI-F Minister Terms Swat Flogging a Jewish Plot

Karachi, Pakistan, 5 April 2009 (Daily Times) - Federal Minister
Senator Azam Khan Swati of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) said on
Saturday that the [alleged] flogging of the 17-year-old girl in 'Swat'
was a Jewish conspiracy aimed at destroying peace in Swat and distort
the image of those Islamists who support beards and wear turbans.

Speaking at a reception hosted by the JUI-F Karachi Chapter in his
honour, Swati said that the JUI-F may part ways with the PPP-led
coalition government if [unlawful US-NATO-Israeli-Indian] drone
attacks continue to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan. "We shall not
tolerate the violation of our country's sovereignty through drone
attacks," he said, adding that under a deep-rooted conspiracy, the
Pakistan Army is being defamed. He said that the ISI might be
modernised on the lines that they bring a bad name to its reputation
among Pakistanis.

He said that the U.S. administration has declared Baitullah Mehsud as
its enemy and approved financial aid for the Pakistan [PPP] Government
for [illegal] actions against people such as Mehsud. "There are
apprehensions that the U.S. administration may turn Pakistan into the
next Afghanistan on the pretext of an operation against 'terrorists'
as they did with Afghanistan in the name of Osama Bin Laden," said

The JUI-F Minister expressed concern over the fact that the U.S. might
target Pakistan's nuclear installations, adding that we must be
careful. "It is unfortunate that we long for water and electricity in
this age of advancement," he lamented, while also condemning the
killings of Pukhtoons in interior Sindh. Qari Usman, Qari Sher Afzal
and Maulana Abdul Karim Abid of the JUI-F also spoke on the occasion.

Internet-Web Links:

(1) Language of Fake Flogging Video is NOT Spoken in Swat, NWFP,

(2) Peace Forum Asks Corrupt PPP Tyranny To Step Down

(3) MQM Members and MQM Don Altaf Hussain Also Tortured Pakistani

(4) Swat Girl Says She Was Never Flogged By Anyone

(5) Israeli-Satanists of America Cunningly Planted the Fake Whipping
Video in Pakistan's Corrupt TV Channels

(6) US-NATO Struggling to Divide and Break Up Pakistan to Make All
Pakistanis and Muslims Slaves of Hindus, Jews/Zion-Cons and Satanists:
Pakistani Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati

(7) Satanists, Please Go Back To Satan Land

(8) Concocted Plan of Attack on White House Finalized

(9) Codename Operation Enduring Turmoil Exposed! - Zion-Con/Neo-Con
Sabotage Plans for Pakistan and the Rest of the World

(10) Corrupt Zardari's Carnage in Pakistan

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INFORMATION PRESS - News Views Media - - USA

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