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10 Oct 2012

Why unequal treatment for the same crime?


The west does not lose any opportunity to blow things out of proportion if things go wrong in the Muslim world. The latest example is that of a poor and sick Christian girl who has been accused of blasphemy for burning pages of the Holy Quran, a sacred book for the world Muslims. This case is sub judice. There are more avenues open for the Christian community up to the Supreme Court. This Court and the Provincial High Courts are independent. However, a campaign is on the way to seek the signatures on a petition for forwarding it to the President of Pakistan. Until this moment a million, including many Muslims, have signed it.

From the days of President Reagan, the west has been haunted by ‘Islamophobia’. No one knows its origin. Islam means ‘PEACE’.  However, no religion in the world has been badly as maligned as Islam. And no other religion has been as widely discussed as Islam. Discussion on Islam is high on the agenda for US Congress debates. The case of the poor and under privileged Christian girl might become the number one topic of the US Presidential debates. Americans such as Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gringrich, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart etc. are rabid Islam haters. Not only that a woman in the USA ran away from the hospital shouting that Muslims are found everywhere in the country. 

But why the west is provoking the Muslims by attacking them, their Holy Quran, their Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), the rites and symbols. The latest is the judgment of the American court of acquitting American forces of defiling the Holy Quran. Incidents of burning the Holy Quran had taken place last year and this year. Caricatures of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) were made in Denmark and a movie was made on him in the Netherlands.

Mahfooz ur Rahman

One Response so far.

  1. It seems like non-muslims actually want to have disputes with Muslims no matter how they initiate...and when they succeed in having then they exaggerate their reaction to show the world that they are EXTREMISTS....

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