A thought has pondered in my mind about Israel as a rogue state and I am thinking that it must be a rogue state. It continues to violate international law and it does what it wants to do. Like America from history, it has a policy of manifest destiny. It wants to expand its territory. The American media covers up what Israel is doing and the people are not buying what the American media in telling them. Press TV is a great source I find to get the other side. The internet is all Americans have to find out the truth and Press TV offers it. The AM dehumanize the Palestinians and they cause some Americans to shy away from the news on Gaza, resutling in apathy. This is what is happening.
According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while ...
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A thought has pondered in my mind about Israel as a rogue state and I am thinking that it must be a rogue state. It continues to violate international law and it does what it wants to do. Like America from history, it has a policy of manifest destiny. It wants to expand its territory. The American media covers up what Israel is doing and the people are not buying what the American media in telling them. Press TV is a great source I find to get the other side. The internet is all Americans have to find out the truth and Press TV offers it. The AM dehumanize the Palestinians and they cause some Americans to shy away from the news on Gaza, resutling in apathy. This is what is happening.