Just saved up for a new £499 iPhone 4S? Then look away now...
It might have underwhelmed the devotees, but sales of Apple’s iPhone 4S topped four million in just three days following last month’s launch, and it’s still the must-have smartphone this winter. Of course, those sleek looks don’t come cheap. Or do they..?
Out of contract, the iPhone 4S will cost you £499, but we can reveal that the nuts, bolts and high-end circuitry inside cost far less – see below for the total.
Expert analysts from technology firm iSuppli have prised open the pristine casing and totted up the cost of each component.
Some are reassuringly expensive – the touchscreen and display unit cost £23 – but others are less confidence-inspiring.
Next time you’re cursing the battery life, remember it’s only worth £3.68.
By the Grace of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful, I was born in a Muslim home. My parents were God fearing, kind, simple and...
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